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We believe that God has given each one of us a gift to be used in Ministry. You have lots of ministries to choose from.

Get plugged in

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Deacon Ministry

The Deacon Ministry demonstrates spiritual leadership by serving the Pastor and congregation; and, by supporting the pastoral vision through evangelism, stewardship, and discipleship.

Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconess Ministry aids the deacon ministry in performing its mission and supports the Pastor and congregation.

Trustee Ministry

The Trustee Ministry manages the material possessions and oversees the financial matters of the church with spiritual sensitivity to include the church’s physical property and financial obligations.

Ushers Ministry
Music Ministry

The Ushers Ministry serves as the church doorkeepers to ensure worshippers feel welcomes and assist the Pastor by maintaining reverence and order to ensure members and guest receive the message.

The Music Ministry an integral part of the worship, share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the congregation in worship, and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gift.  

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Missionary Ministry

The Missionary Ministry is dedicated to doing God’s work through service to the church and the community to include; nursing home visits, clothing drives and outreach.

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Christian Education Ministry
Outreach Ministry
Hospitality Ministry

The Christian Education Ministry is the teaching arm of the Church guiding the learning activities that meet human needs with a goal of winning people to Christ.  A setting in which a deeper level of community and learning can be achieved through the personal interchange of thoughts, ideas and feelings.  It provides an opportunity for people to enjoy a small-group fellowship with others who share their concerns and values.

The Outreach Ministry is a means to introduce people in the community to the church by making them aware of God’s love for them.  The role of the Ministry is guide people to  church, where they will have the opportunity to enter into a discipleship process. 

The Hospitality Ministry uses the vehicle of food to feed members and guest by providing excellence in quality and service to all served demonstrating Christian service according to – “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” – Colossians 3:23

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Youth Ministry
Men's Ministry 
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Women's Ministry 

Desires is to encourage students to see Christ as the source of a new life, to look beyond their past, and to have a youthful experience with Christ, Youth are challenged not only to grow in the knowledge of God, but to boldly live their faith. 

New Discipleship Ministry Training
Transportation Ministry

The transportation ministry provides assistance to those needing transportation to church services and church-related events.



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